Unakite, the perfect stone for scorpios, is known as the stone of vision. It is a combination of Green Epidote, Pink Feldspar and Quartz making it a great stone for grounding as it balances emotions and spirituality and releases energy blockages. This gemstone has a unique and sensitive energy that blends the nurturing and growth symbolized by green with the love and innocence symbolized by pink.As a balancing stone, it helps you feel more centered by balancing all aspects of the self; emotional, spiritual and mental. Unakite is also believed to help release energy blockages that may be inhibiting your growth by encouraging you to live in the present rather than in the past. This stone works through the third eye chakra and aids in visualizing the things you desire in your life. Unakite is one of the best stones for developing and nurturing your emotional health. If you are seeking a balanced relationship, Unakite is perfect for you as it has a highly balancing energy.