Yellow Aventurine vibrates with your solar plexus chakra and assist with awakening your personal will and assisting you with regaining your personal power. It helps you to truly understand what exactly your soul is contained of and helps you explore it on a more in-depth spiritual level. Once you are able to establish an inner connection, you will be able to remove all self-expectations and societal outlooks. Yellow aventurine also works with our sacral chakra by providing balance to our emotions. When you are feeling stuck, Yellow Aventurine helps your creativity to flow and empowering your limitless potential to come through. Those who are indecisive or oversensitive will benefit from Yellow Aventurine’s reassuring and balancing vibrations. This is a great stone for Aries. The helpful energies of Yellow Aventurine can help fill you with compassion, understanding, and centering your emotions by removing toxins and aiding in self-reflection. This purifying gemstone is a good healing stone that has an excellent anti-inflammatory action. Those who suffer with allergies and migraines will find this stone most useful.