Pyrite is a powerful protection stone that shields and protects against all forms of negative vibrations and energy. Pyrite not only repels negative energies, but also helps to release negative and inhibiting patterns of behavior. Pyrite can enhance one's will during challenging times and supports the action necessary for personal growth and success. It also stimulates the intellect and enhances memory, helping to recall relevant information when needed. Pyrite, also known as Fool’s Gold, is known to attract abundance, wealth and prosperity to the user through energies of manifestation and encouragement to follow your dreams. Pyrite is commonly associated with Leos and stimulate the second and third chakras, by enhancing willpower. A stone of action, vitality and will, it taps into one’s abilities and potential by stimulating the flow of ideas and persistence to carry things through to completion. This stone is full of positive energy, and is extremely helpful for depression and thoughts fixed on misfortune and despair. It relieves anxiety and frustration, and as a mirror to the self, reveals the causes behind these emotions and promotes a search for solutions.