8" Purple 7 Day Candle

8" Purple 7 Day Candle

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Made of 100% Paraffin Wax with a clean burning cotton wick (no lead).

Purple Candle Magick Detail, Influence and Value.

Absorbs: Severe diseases and tension.

Assists with: Ambition, divine, healing, magical power, business progress, psychic power, religious beliefs, spirituality, will power and worldly power.

Attracts: Royalty and magical power.

Banishes / Wards off: Severe diseases and tension.

Creates: Ambition, divine, healing, magical power, business progress, psychic power, religious beliefs, spirituality, will power and worldly power.

Dissolves: Severe diseases and tension.

Promotes: Ambition, divine, healing, magical power, business progress, psychic power, religious beliefs, spirituality, will power and worldly power.

Provides: Ambition, divine, healing, magical power, business progress, psychic power, religious beliefs, spirituality, will power and worldly power.

Represents: Royalty and magical power.